Tag: Pizza

Creative Advertising for National Pizza Day

National Pizza Day and The Power of Marketing Greetings, Kanekt 365 Clients! National Pizza Day is February 9th. It’s just around the corner, and guess what?What better way to celebrate than by combining the deliciousness of pizza with the effectiveness of creative advertising? In this blog post, we’ll explore some innovative and mouthwatering advertising methods […]

Call, Click, Savor: The Ultimate Guide to Effortless Pizza Ordering

It’s 2024, and we welcome you to the epicenter of hassle-free pizza ordering for the QSR industry! We invite you to learn about our Call, Click, Savor process. At Kanekt 365, we understand that complex ordering processes shouldn’t hinder your clients’ craving for the perfect slice. That’s why we’ve crafted the ultimate guide to make […]

A Slice of Gratitude: Kanekt 365’s Year-End Reflection

As 2023 draws to a close, the Kanekt 365 family takes a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared throughout this year. It has been a year filled with challenges, triumphs, and a lot of pizza (and customer service)! As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to express our deepest gratitude to […]

Efficiency in Call Ordering for QSRs and Why It’s Important

Why is Efficiency Important? Efficiency is critical to success in the fast-paced Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry. Franchises strive to provide quick and accurate customer service, ensuring seamless ordering processes and timely deliveries. One of the critical components behind this efficiency lies with call centers and how they represent a brand and quickly take orders. […]

Are Astronomical Food Costs Worrying Your Restaurant?

How is the QSR industry keeping up with the increasingly astronomical food costs? We all see the jokes about the cost of eggs. While the memes are funny and the jokes are well intended, the reality is that everyone, from farmers to customers, is struggling with the rising costs of food. So what does a […]

Kanekt 365 to Exhibit at the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas in March 2023

LACONIA, NH, UNITED STATES, December 1, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Kanekt 365 will exhibit at the upcoming International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas on March 28-30. The company will showcase its latest product innovations, including a new call center POS interface that features conversational AI. Although Kanekt 365 offers Human call agents, their AI interface integrates directly with any point […]

7 Undeniable Reasons QSR Restaurants Will Become the Unabashed King of the Restaurant Industry!

  Will QSR Ever Rule The World? QSR, also known as Quick Serve Restaurants, is what makes your life easier by providing you with quick meals. The world is changing faster than ever before, but something that has remained unchanged is the need and desire for food. From the day people walked on earth, they […]

Farmer’s Markets and Festivals—Curious if your QSR Should Participate? We’ll Tell You

Today’s Kanekt 365 blog shares ways to increase pizza sales for your QSR in the summer. As we discussed last month, summer sales can be lower if pizza restaurants want to increase sales in new markets. For example, many towns have Farmer’s Markets and festivals during the mornings or weekends. Farmers’ Markets sound like a […]