Author: Paula Fortini

Summer Ordering Excellence

How Call Centers Help QSRs Achieve Excellence As temperatures soar during the summer, quick-service restaurants (QSRs) face a seasonal surge in business and a substantial increase in summer ordering. Outdoor dining areas are bustling, and drive-through lines can snake around the block. It’s a great opportunity for QSRs to boost revenue but it also presents […]

Employee Retention Increases with Kanekt 365

Reducing Stress and Burnout Leads to Employee Retention Employee retention is a significant challenge for Quick-Service Restaurants (QSRs). High turnover rates can disrupt operations, decrease productivity, and impact customer satisfaction. However, there’s a solution: implementing call centers. Kanekt 365 offers call center solutions that can transform how QSRs operate, ultimately reducing turnover and fostering a […]

Upsell Every Day: How Call Center Agents Master the Art

Call centers are crucial in helping QSRs stay profitable with an increased average ticket price. They maintain customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth. Call center agents employ an effective strategy to achieve these goals: upselling. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how call center agents strategically upsell, ultimately increasing the average ticket value and […]

POS Integration, Kanekt 365 Can Help QSRs

Customer service reigns supreme in the fast-moving realm of Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs). The surge in digital ordering and delivery services has made managing high call volumes while upholding customer satisfaction daunting. Kanekt 365 has spent the last eight years solving that problem. They offer a transformative solution that melds human expertise with cutting-edge AI […]

April Showers of Call Center Productivity

Kanekt 365 Tips for Spring Efficiency As April showers rain down outside, it’s time to ensure that productivity pours in at your restaurant. With Kanekt 365 as your trusted QSR call center, let’s spend the rainy days planning to enhance efficiency and drive success. How Do We Increase Productivity? Weathering the Storm of Call Center […]

March Madness in QSRs

Smart Solutions to Keep Up During March Madness March Madness is here, and Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) are gearing up for the rush of orders and inquiries. Kanekt 365 understands the challenges of this busy period and offers intelligent call center strategies to keep QSRs running smoothly. They offer a hybrid approach, including the best […]

Call Center Options, How to Evaluate Your Choices

Kanekt 365 Unveils Their Call Center Advantages In Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), having a call center that meets and exceeds expectations is the key to success. Kanekt 365 steps into the spotlight as the go-to solution, offering a depth of characteristics that define the QSR call center experience. Let’s examine the essential ingredients that make […]

Leap Year 2024

What Are You Doing With Your Extra Day This Year? Hello, foodies and fellow leap year enthusiasts! We have a fun-filled blog to help us celebrate the extra 24 hours of 2024. Welcome to the Leap Year Fun blog, your go-to source for everything related to quick-service restaurants (QSR)! What’s people’s number one commodity in […]

Diversity and Inclusion in Call Centers

Announcing Kanekt 365’s Bilingual Call Center In Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), call centers are the backbone of customer service. They are the first point of contact for customers seeking support, placing orders, or providing feedback. While the QSR industry continually evolves to meet changing consumer demands, fostering diversity and inclusion within call center teams has […]

Creative Advertising for National Pizza Day

National Pizza Day and The Power of Marketing Greetings, Kanekt 365 Clients! National Pizza Day is February 9th. It’s just around the corner, and guess what?What better way to celebrate than by combining the deliciousness of pizza with the effectiveness of creative advertising? In this blog post, we’ll explore some innovative and mouthwatering advertising methods […]