Category: customer service

Call Center Agents: Behind the Scenes at Kanekt 365

Call Center Agents: A busy but productive day When your customers dial the number to place their favorite pizza order, have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes? The voice on the other end of the line belongs to a dedicated, skilled, and superbly trained Kanekt 365 call center agent. These unsung heroes ensure […]

Using Empathy and Emotions in Call Centers

Even In the fast-paced world of Quick Service Restaurants, the ability to connect with customers on an emotional level is a valuable asset. This is where using a call center like Kanekt 365 excels. Call center agents aren’t making, packaging, or delivering meals. Instead, they have one job: engaging with customers and placing orders into […]

Efficiency in Call Ordering for QSRs and Why It’s Important

Why is Efficiency Important? Efficiency is critical to success in the fast-paced Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry. Franchises strive to provide quick and accurate customer service, ensuring seamless ordering processes and timely deliveries. One of the critical components behind this efficiency lies with call centers and how they represent a brand and quickly take orders. […]

The Most Significant Reasons Over 600 Pizza Restaurants Are Using Kanekt 365

If you’re a pizza restaurant owner, you know that customer service is critical. You must provide quality customer service to keep your customers happy and returning to your pizza restaurant. That’s why more and more pizza restaurant owners are turning to Kanekt 365 call center services. We offer the best customer service in the industry […]

7 Undeniable Reasons QSR Restaurants Will Become the Unabashed King of the Restaurant Industry!

Will QSR Ever Rule The World? QSR, also known as Quick Serve Restaurants, is what makes your life easier by providing you with quick meals. The world is changing faster than ever before, but something that has remained unchanged is the need and desire for food. From the day people walked on earth, they have […]

Does Customer Service Attract New Customers To A Restaurant?

Added Value Services are a great addition to your customer service that helps your restaurant stand out! What attracts customers? You got it, excellent customer service. It is no secret that customers seek creative or unique experiences when buying from service industries, including the QSR industry. But, in addition, they are looking for a higher […]

Top Four Ways to Make the Most of Participating in a Farmers’ Market

So, Your QSR Decided to Participate in Farmers’ Markets or Festivals? Now What? In our last blog, we walked you through determining if the potential sales of participating in Farmers’ Markets and Festivals outweighed the costs. The next step is to make the most of your participation. Of course, the most important thing to consider […]